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Received May 31, 2018
Accepted November 14, 2018
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Impact of pressure on the carbon structure of char during pyrolysis of bituminous coal in pressurized entrained-flow reactor

1Key Laboratory of Advanced Coal and Coking Technology of Liaoning Province, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan 114051, China 2Chemical Engineering, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2019, 36(3), 393-403(11), 10.1007/s11814-018-0187-5
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The impact of pressure on the carbon structure of a Chinese bituminous coal was investigated using a pressurized entrained-flow reactor in the temperature and pressure ranges of 700-900 °C and 0.1-4.0MPa, respectively. Pyrolysis pressure had a significant influence on the physiochemical and carbon structure of chars. The specific surface area and the swelling ratio of chars reached their highest values at 1.0MPa. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis showed that higher pressures enhanced the decomposition of functional groups in chars. Raman spectroscopy analysis results revealed that at elevated pressures, the organic matrix and functional groups were removed from the char structure, leading to higher ordering of the carbon structure. During X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, parameters such as the stacking height (Lc), interlayer spacing (d002) and lateral size of the graphite structures (La) were used to evaluate the graphitic structures in chars. The results showed an increase in Lc, La, and the average number of graphene sheets with pyrolysis pressure, indicating a more ordered carbon structure at elevated pressures. The d-spacing of char was in the range of 3.34-3.37 A, similar to typical graphitic structures.


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