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Received August 4, 2019
Accepted December 25, 2019
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Free-volume theory coupled with modified group-contribution PC-SAFT for predicting viscosities of 1-alkenes

PetroVietnam Manpower Training College, No 43 Road 30/4, Ward 9, Vung tau City, Viet Nam, Vietnam 1Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2020, 37(3), 402-410(9), 10.1007/s11814-019-0473-x
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A modified group-contribution PC-SAFT EoS combined with the Free-volume theory (FVT), recently proposed (DOI:10.1016/j.fluid.2019.112280) to simultaneously model the fluid phase equilibria and viscosity of fluids, is extended in this work to estimate the viscosity of 1-alkenes. Generalized correlation coefficients are proposed for the FVT triplet parameter set, which makes it possible to extrapolate the viscosity prediction of similar compounds that are not included in the fitting pool. The model is validated using a large experimental data of 1-alkenes over wide range of temperature and pressure (up to 2,500 bars). For 1-pentene to 1-triacontene, the overall average absolute deviation of the experimental liquid and vapor viscosity from those calculated by the model is of 5.37% and 1.41%, respectively, which are appropriate for most industrial applications.


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