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Received August 31, 2019
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Efficient photocatalytic degradation of 2-chloro-4,6-dinitroresorcinol in salty industrial wastewater using glass-supported TiO2

1School of Chemical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China 2National Research & Popularization Center for Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China 3School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China 4State Key Laboratory of High-efficiency Utilization of Coal and Green Chemical Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan750021, China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2020, 37(3), 536-545(10), 10.1007/s11814-019-0448-y
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2-chloro-4,6-dinitroresorcinol (CDNR) is detrimental to the environment and human health owing to its high toxicity and poor biodegradability. To demonstrate the feasibility of photocatalytic degradation of CDNR from industrial salty wastewater by borosilicate glass supported TiO2 under UV light irradiation, borosilicate glass supported TiO2 was prepared successfully by a novel sol-gel route via dip-coating method and characterized by XRD, SEM, FTIR and XPS analysis. The results showed that TiO2 catalyst has the anatase phase structure with crystallite size of 11.5 nm and coats uniformly on the borosilicate glass. Also, the effects of reaction time, pH value, TiO2 dosage, CDNR concentration, and Cl- on the degradation efficiency of CDNR were investigated. The results indicated that at pH 2, reaction time 3.5 h, CDNR concentration 10mg/L, NaCl concentration 5.85% (w/w) and TiO2 dosage 1.0 g/L, 97.7% of CDNR was degraded in the presence of Cl-, this corresponded to a rate constant of 1.05 h-1, illustrating the feasibility of photocatalytic degradation process. This contribution provides a basic investigation regarding the potential application of borosilicate glass supported TiO2.


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