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Received December 11, 2019
Accepted February 28, 2020
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Upgrading of bio-oil by ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis and in-line esterification in fluidized bed reactor
Wood Chemistry Division, Forest Products Department, National Institute of Forest Science, Seoul 02455, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, July 2020, 37(7), 1174-1180(7), 10.1007/s11814-020-0527-0
Ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis of Quercus mongolica over HZSM-5 and in-line esterification of pyrolysis/catalytic pyrolysis vapors with liquid phase n-butyl alcohol were carried out in a fluidized bed reactor. The ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis over HZSM-5 beads was performed to produce bio-oil containing aromatic hydrocarbons. The temperature of the ex-situ catalytic upgrading reaction was varied from 450 °C to 600 °C, and the maximum aromatic hydrocarbons yield was obtained at 450 °C. The selectivity for aromatic hydrocarbons as a function of catalytic reaction temperature varied depending on aromatic ring number, as the selectivity for mono-aromatic hydrocarbons decreased and that for poly-aromatic hydrocarbons increased with temperature. In-line esterification of the pyrolysis/catalytic pyrolysis vapors with liquid n-butyl alcohol was also carried out, and the GC/MS analysis results showed that the acids, aldehydes and ketones in the bio-oil were converted to esters and acetals.
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Ma Z, Troussard E, van Bokhoven JA, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 423-424, 130 (2012)
Aho A, Kumar N, Eranen K, Salmi T, Hupa M, Murzin DY, Fuel, 87(12), 2493 (2008)
Lee HW, Park SH, Jeon JK, Ryoo R, Kim W, Suh DJ, Park YK, Catal. Today, 232, 119 (2014)
Zhang L, Bao Z, Xia S, Lu Q, Walters KB, Catalysts, 8, 659 (2018)
Rahman MM, Liu RH, Cai JM, Fuel Process. Technol., 180, 32 (2018)
Jae J, Tompsett GA, Foster AJ, Hammond KD, Auerbach SM, Lobo RF, Huber GW, J. Catal., 279(2), 257 (2011)
Xin X, Pang S, Mercader FM, Torr KM, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 138, 145 (2019)
Kim JY, Lee JH, Park J, Kim JK, An D, Song IK, Choi JW, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 114, 273 (2015)
Paasikallio V, Kalogiannis K, Lappas A, Lehto J, Lehtonen J, Energy Technol., 4, 1 (2016)
Iisa K, French RJ, Orton KA, Yung MM, Johnson DK, ten Dam J, Watson MJ, Nimlos MR, Energy Fuels, 30(3), 2144 (2016)
Sundqvist T, Oasmaa A, Koskinen A, Energy Fuels, 29(4), 2527 (2015)
Kim HN, Shafaghat H, Kim JK, Knag BS, Jeon JK, Jung SC, Lee IG, Park YK, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 35(4), 922 (2018)
Bulushev DA, Ross JRH, Catal. Today, 171(1), 1 (2011)
Hu X, Gunawan R, Mourant D, Hasan M, Wu L, Song Y, Lievens C, Li CZ, Fuel Process. Technol., 155, 2 (2017)
Hilten RN, Bibens BP, Kastner JR, Das JC, Energy Fuels, 24, 673 (2010)
Lee HW, Kim YM, Jae J, Sung BH, Jung SC, Kim SC, Jeon JK, Park YK, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 122, 282 (2016)
Sluiter A, Hames B, Ruiz R, Scarlata C, Sluiter J, Templeton D, Crocker D, Technical Report, NREL/TP-510-42618 (2008).
Fan LL, Zhang YN, Liu SY, Zhou N, Chen P, Cheng YL, Addy M, Lu Q, Omar MM, Liu YH, Wang YP, Dai LL, Anderson E, Peng P, Lei HW, Ruan R, Bioresour. Technol., 241, 1118 (2017)
Dorrestijn E, Laarhoven LJ, Arends IW, Mulder P, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 54, 153 (2000)
Wang K, Kim KH, Brown RC, Green Chem., 16, 727 (2014)
Zhou G, Jensen PA, Le DM, Knudsen MO, Jensen AD, Green Chem., 18, 1965 (2016)
Carlson TR, Jae J, Lin YC, Tompsett GA, Huber GW, J. Catal., 270(1), 110 (2010)
To AT, Resasco DE, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 487, 62 (2014)
Zhang HY, Xiao R, Huang H, Xiao G, Bioresour. Technol., 100(3), 1428 (2009)
Lopez A, de Marco I, Caballero BM, Adrados A, Laresgoiti MF, Waste Manage., 31, 1852 (2011)
Ma Z, van Bokhoven JA, ChemCatChem, 4, 2036 (2012)
Baloch HA, Nizamuddin S, Siddiqui MTH, Riaz S, Jatoi AS, Dumbre DK, Mubarak NM, Srinivasan MP, Griffin GJ, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 6, 5101 (2018)
Ciddor L, Bennett JA, Hunns JA, Wilson K, Lee AF, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 90(5), 780 (2015)