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Received December 7, 2020
Accepted April 29, 2021
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Utilization of geothermal waste as a silica adsorbent for biodiesel purification

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Sudarto, SH., Kampus Tembalang Semarang 50275, Indonesia,
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, October 2021, 38(10), 2091-2105(15), 10.1007/s11814-021-0827-z
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The purification process of biodiesel requires an adsorbent to reduce glycerin content releasing high purity of biodiesel. The adsorbent must be affordable in source and process, readily available, and have high adsorption capacity. This paper discusses utilization of silica aerogel from geothermal waste as an adsorbent of biodiesel to reduce glycerin. The paper investigates the potential of a high silica content of geothermal waste as silica adsorbent by observation of the glycerin adsorption capacity and its kinetics study. At the beginning, geothermal silica preparation was subjected to the purification of geothermal silica waste using sulfuric acid, sol-gel process, and drying process at ambient pressure. This research was statistically carried out by varying the volume ratio of HCl to sodium silicate (3-5), drying time (1-2 hours), and percent weight of silica (3-5%-w) using Design-Expert® Version 8.0.6 (State-Ease, Inc). The silica product was characterized through BET, FTIR, XRF, and XRD analysis. Analysis of untreated and treated biodiesel used GPC, GCMS, and titration based on Indonesian National Standard (SNI) of No. 06-1564-1995. The optimum conditions for preparation for removing glycerin in biodiesel was reached at ratio volume of HCl to sodium silicate of 3 : 1, 2 hours of drying time, and 3%-w silica adsorbent. The optimum of surface area of the s ilica adsorbent and the glycerin adsorption capacity can be attained at 371m2/g glycerin and 10±0.1 mg/g, respectively. Further meaning, the glycerin concentration in biodiesel can be reduced from (4±0.10)% to (0.1±0.01)% by using the silica adsorbent performing biodiesel characterization according to SNI in terms of glycerin content. The second-order pseudo model can be used to describe the glycerin adsorption in biodiesel by determination of k at 0.0036 g/mg min at the optimum condition preparation.


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