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Received August 17, 2020
Accepted April 17, 2021
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Pectin and SDS as auxiliary flocculants for complementary treatment of textile wastewater by electrocoagulation
Mauro Cosme de Carvalho Góes
Marcos Paulo Ribeiro Garcez1
Andréa Roberta Ferreira Siqueira2
Thiago Palhares Farias2
Claudemir Gomes de Santana3
Jonas de Jesus Gomes da Costa Neto4
and Cicero Wellington Brito Bezerra3†
Pos-Graduacao em Biotecnologia e Biodiversidade (BIONORTE), Universidade Federal do Maranhao, Av. dos Portugueses, 1966, Campus do Bacanga, 65080-805, Sao Luis, MA, Brazil 1Laboratorio de Quimica de Interfaces e Materiais, Av. dos Portugueses, 1966, Campus do Bacanga, 65080-805, Sao Luis, MA, Brazil, Universidade Federal do Maranhao, Brazil 2Departamento de Paoducao/DDE, Instituto Federal do Maranhao, Av. dos Curiós, S/N, Campus do Maracana, 65095-460, Sao Luis, MA, Brazil 3Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal do Maranhao, Av. dos Portugueses, 1966, Campus do Bacanga, 65080-805, Sao Luis, MA, Brazil 4Laboratotio de Tecnologia de Processos Quimicos e Bioquimicos, Instituto Federal do Maranhao, Av. dos Curios, S/N, Campus do Maracana, 65095-460, Sao Luis, MA, Brazil
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, August 2021, 38(8), 1631-1641(11), 10.1007/s11814-021-0812-6
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Textile wastewaters currently remain as one of the major sources of environmental pollution. In addition to the presence of several recalcitrant species, the volume of the effluent to be treated is usually quite high, due to the excessive consumption of water in this kind of processing. To avoid all the negative impacts associated with the discharge of these untreated effluents, effective remediation techniques should be applied. Although there are currently several methods available, due to complexity and volume of the wastewater, combined technologies can provide better efficiency, lower cost and less time consumption. In this work, electrocoagulation (EC) combined with the conventional flocculation process was studied for the removal of methylene blue dye (MB) in aqueous medium. Under specific EC conditions (4 pairs of electrodes, 2.5 cm spacing, electrolysis time of 203min, pHinitial 4, 32 V, 1.5 A) it was possible to remove 63% of the dye. Combining EC with conventional flocculation, a notable reduction in electrolysisrequired time (203 to 60 min), dye (99.8%), color (100%) and turbidity (99.2%) was observed.
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Goes MCC, Albuquerque CCV, Cardoso JJF, Santana SAA, Silva HAS, Melo SM, Farias RF, Bezerra CWB, Pharm. Chem. J., 6, 37 (2019)
Canteri MHG, Moreno L, Wosiacki G, Scheer AP, Polimeros, 22, 149 (2012)
Brazil, Ministry of Environment, Resolution CONAMA n° 357, of March 17 (2005).
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Sghaier I, Guembri M, Chouchane H, Mosbah A, Ouzari HI, Jaouani A, Cherif A, Neifar M, Textile Eng. Fashion Technol., 5, 134 (2019)
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Sun Y, Cheng S, Lin Z, Yang J, Li C, Gu R, J. Hazard. Mater., 384, 121307 (2020)
Rashid T, Iqbal D, Hazafa A, Hussain S, Sher F, Sher F, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 8, 104023 (2020)
Ubale MA, Salkar VD, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 34(4), 1044 (2017)
Singh K, Arora S, Crit. Rev. Env. Sci. Technol., 41, 807 (2011)
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Kyzas GZ, Matis KA, J. Mol. Liq., 220, 657 (2016)
Goes MCC, et al., Congresso Online Nacional de Quimica (CONDEQUI), 2020.
Khandegar V, Saroha AK, J. Environ. Manage., 128, 949 (2013)
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Barhoumi A, Ncib S, Bouguerra W, Hamrouni B, Elaloui E, Desalin. Water Treat., 83, 212 (2017)
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Wang R, Liang R, Dai T, Chen J, Shuai X, Liu C, Trends Food Sci. Technol., 91, 319 (2019)
Ho YC, Norli I, Alkarkhi AFM, Morad N, Desalin. Water Treat., 57, 1779 (2016)
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Canteri MHG, Scheer AP, Wosiacki G, Ginies C, Reich M, Renard CMCG, J. Polym. Environ., 18, 593 (2010)
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Martin J, Ruiz DB, Asuero AG, J. Lab. Chem. Educ., 6, 77 (2018)
Sato MF, Rigoni DC, Canteri MHG, Petkowicz CLO, Nogueira A, Wosiacki G, Acta Sci. Agron., 33, 383 (2011)
Rodrigues MI, Iemma AF, Experimental design and process optimization, Crc Press, New York (2015).
Albalasmeh AA, Berhe AA, Ghezzehei TA, Carbohydr. Polym., 97, 253 (2013)
Azizian S, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 276(1), 47 (2004)
Driscoll WC, Comput. Ind. Eng., 31, 265 (1996)
Kulkarni SG, Vijayanand P, Lwt - Food Sci. Technol., 43, 1026 (2010)
Jones OG, Lesmes U, Dubin P, McClements DJ, Food Hydrocolloids, 24, 374 (2010)
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Maciel VBV, Yoshida CMP, Franco TT, Carbohydr. Polym., 132, 537 (2015)
Poletto M, Junior HLO, Zattera AJ, Materials, 7, 6105 (2014)
Kamnev AA, Calce E, Tarantilis PA, Tugarova AV, Luca S, J. Mol. Struct., 1079, 74 (2015)
Fernandes JE, Dantas TND, Fonseca JLC, Pereira MR, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 122(3), 1614 (2011)
Goes MCC, Albuquerque CCV, Cardoso JJF, Santana SAA, Silva HAS, Melo SM, Farias RF, Bezerra CWB, Pharm. Chem. J., 6, 37 (2019)
Canteri MHG, Moreno L, Wosiacki G, Scheer AP, Polimeros, 22, 149 (2012)
Brazil, Ministry of Environment, Resolution CONAMA n° 357, of March 17 (2005).