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Received January 6, 2022
Accepted April 24, 2022
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Novel NO removal using combined sodium erythorbate and FeⅡ EDTA system

Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry and Instrumentation, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, P. R. China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, October 2022, 39(10), 2691-2701(11), 10.1007/s11814-022-1155-7
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To solve the difficulty of easy oxidation of FeIIEDTA in nitric oxide removal, FeIIEDTA combined with sodium erythorbate (SE) was employed for nitric oxide absorption. SE quickly reduced FeIIIEDTA to FeIIEDTA and maintained FeIIEDTA activity for a long time in the air. The influences of various operating parameters such as FeIIEDTA concentration, SE concentration, original pH value and temperature on NO removal in the bubbling device were examined preliminarily. The results reveal that the SE significantly enhanced nitric oxide absorption with FeIIEDTA. Nitric oxide absorption efficiency increased with the increase in the concentration of absorbent components or the decrease in temperature. Weak alkalinity (about pH 8.0) is beneficial to NO absorption. Besides, the NO removal efficiency continually decreased as the NO or O2 concentration increased, while the NO removal efficiency increased first and then decreased as the SO2 concentration increased. However, pH and temperature hardly affected nitric oxide absorption efficiency at FeIIEDTA with high concentration. Finally, the kinetic studies demonstrated that NO absorption by mixed FeIIEDTA and SE was more effective in reducing total mass transfer resistance and enlarging the NO flux compared with the normal FeIIEDTA approach. The absorption process was controlled by the liquid film.


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