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Received April 26, 2021
Accepted September 4, 2021
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Fabrication of modified nanofiltration membranes by functionalizedcellulose nanocrystals with high anti-fouling capability in removing dye from water and wastewater
Department of Chemical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2022, 39(3), 616-627(12), 10.1007/s11814-021-0952-8
The aim of this study was to remove Azo dye, Direct Red 16, from a synthetic solution, 50 mg/l, and also to treat the wastewater of the licorice extract plant, LEP, by nanofiltration membrane with high anti-fouling properties. In this regard, a new polymer nanocomposite was fabricated by mixing cellulose nanocrystals functionalized with amino acid cysteine (CNF-AAC) and investigating the effective parameters such as anti-fouling properties, as well as the performance of the modified membrane in removing the dye. In this regard, field emission scanning electron microscopy_x000D_
(FESEM), scanning-force microscopy (SFM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and contact angle measurements were performed. The results of AFM analysis indicated that the surface roughness of polyether sulfone-membrane is reduced by the addition of CNF-AAC. Therefore, by increasing the concentration of nanocrystals from 0 to 1 wt% in the initial solution of the membrane, the net distilled water flux permeation has increased from 18.05 (kg/m2h) to 26.50 (kg/m2h). Also, with increasing the concentration of CNF-AAC in the initial solution of the membranes, the size of the contact_x000D_
angle has gradually decreased. Meanwhile, adding a small amount of CNF-AAC (0.5 wt%) to the polyether-sulfone membrane has led to reducing the rate of irreversible fouling from 43.34% to 4.89% and in contrast, to increasing the amount of reversible fouling from 30.02% to 63.54%. On the other hand, in this study, the yield of dye solution by the optimal membrane is 98.38%, for which the percentage of COD removal for the wastewater of LEP has reached 90%.
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Madaeni S, Sohrabi M, Khosravi M, Ghaedi A, Sep. Sci. Technol., 46, 1406 (2011)
Gorgol LJ, Taub SG, Olesiewicz J, U.S. Patent, US20110196 138A1 (2011).
Jonoobi M, Ashori A, Siracusa V, Polymer Testing, 76, 333 (2019)
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Norouzbahari S, Roostaazad R, Hesampour M, Desalination, 238, 174 (2009)
Abouzeid RE, Khiari R, El-Wakil N, Dufresne A, Biomacromolecules, 20, 573 (2018)
Rafieian F, Jonoobi M, Yu Q, Cellulose, 26, 3359 (2019)
Goetz LA, Naseri N, Nair SS, Karim Z, Mathew AP, Cellulose, 25, 3011 (2018)
Bai H, Wang X, Zhou Y, Zhang L, Prog. Nat. Sci. Mater. Int., 22, 250 (2012)
Jahan Z, Niazi MBK, Gregersen OW, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 57, 113 (2018)
Zinadini S, Zinatizadeh AA, Rahimi M, Vatanpour V, Zangeneh H, J. Membr. Sci., 453, 292 (2014)
Bagheripour E, Moghadassi A, Hosseini S, Nemati M, J. Membr. Sci. Res., 2, 14 (2016)
Vatanpour V, Madaeni SS, Khataee AR, Salehi E, Zinadini S, Monfared HA, Desalination, 292, 19 (2012)
Cossee RP, Geus ER, Van EJ, U.S. Patent, 6,488,856 (2002).
Hokkanen S, Bhatnagar A, Sillanpaa M, Water Res., 91, 156 (2016)
Koschevic MT, dos Santos M, de Faria RC, Fakhouri FM, Martelli SM, Chapter 9 - cellulose nanocrystals functionalization by grafting, Thakur VK, Ed., Biopolymer Grafting, Elsevier, 409 (2018).
Sofla MRK, Brown R, Tsuzuki T, Rainey T, Adv. Nat. Sci. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 7, 35004 (2016)
Cheng Q, Ye D, Chang C, Zhang L, J. Membr. Sci., 525, 1 (2017)
Zinadini S, Rostami S, Vatanpour V, Jalilian E, J. Membr. Sci., 529, 133 (2017)
Vatanpour V, Madaeni SS, Moradian R, Zinadini S, Astinchap B, J. Membr. Sci., 375, 284 (2011)
Celik E, Park H, Choi H, Choi H, Water Res., 45, 274 (2011)
Barzin J, Feng C, Khulbe KC, Matsuura T, Madaeni SS, Mirzadeh H, J. Membr. Sci., 237, 77 (2004)
Lv J, Zhang G, Zhang H, Zhao C, Yang F, Appl. Surf. Sci., 440, 1091 (2018)
Karim Z, Mathew AP, Grahn M, Mouzon J, Oksman K, Carbohydr. Polym., 112, 668 (2014)
Rahimi M, Dadari S, Zeinaddini S, Mohamadian E, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 34, 1444 (2017)