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Received April 7, 2021
Accepted July 3, 2021
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Oxygen absorption and desorption properties of YBaCo4O7+?monolithic oxygen carrier in the fixed-bed reactor

1Key Laboratory of Integrated Exploitation of Bayan Obo Multi-Metal Resources, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia, China 2Key laboratory of Efficient and Clean Combustion, School of Energy and Environment, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, P. R. China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2022, 39(3), 695-705(11), 10.1007/s11814-021-0893-2
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The technology of chemical looping air separation, with the characteristics of simple operation, low cost, and low energy consumption, separates oxygen from air with the oxygen carrier. In this work, reaction properties of monolithic oxygen carriers were investigated in a fixed-bed apparatus, with the consideration of the reactor temperature, oxygen concentration, and reaction gas flow. The XRD results showed that active phase, Al2O3, and cordierite cannot react with each other in calcination processing. The SEM results showed that the micromorphology of oxygen carrier was loaded on cordierite honeycomb uniformly with sphere or sphere-like particles. Oxygen carriers show a faster oxygen release rate and a slower oxygen intake rate. With increasing of absorption temperature, oxygen concentration of inlet gas, and desorption temperature, the reaction rate per unit mass increases. With increasing of gas flow rate, the reaction rate per unit mass decreases. The maximum value of the reaction rate per unit mass was obtained by Y0.95Ti0.05BaCo4O7+α monolith sample. Samples substituted with Dy element showed fine performance of stability, as Dy substitution causes more serious local lattice distortions.


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