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- English
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- In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
- Publication history
Received February 12, 2023
Revised May 16, 2023
Accepted June 19, 2023
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- This work was financially supported by Anhui Provincial Major Science and Technology Project (2021e03020003).
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Efficient adsorption on Cr(VI) and electrochemical application of N, P co-doped carbon spheres
A nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon sphere was synthesized and prepared by a two-step hydrothermal activation pyrolysis method using agricultural materials, in which forestry waste walnut shells, urea, and phosphoric acid were used as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus sources, respectively, for the efficient treatment of heavy
metals Cr(VI) in wastewater. On this basis, a supercapacitor with high capacitive performance was investigated. The
adsorption capacity of the N, P co-doped carbon sphere (N2PC) was optimal for Cr(VI), and the abundant functional
groups on the surface of the carbon spheres significantly promoted the adsorption and reduction of Cr(VI). The
adsorption capacity of the carbon material was up to 100.55 mg/g at 318 K, and the pseudo-second-order kinetic
model and the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model were used to describe the adsorption process. Before and after
adsorption, the material was applied to the electrode material of the supercapacitor, and the capacitive performance of
the adsorbed material was satisfactory as well as with excellent cycling stability which 93% capacity retention even after
5000 cycles.
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