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- English
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- In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
- Publication history
Received July 27, 2022
Revised November 20, 2022
Accepted December 4, 2022
- Acknowledgements
- This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) [Grant number NRF-2021R1A4A1024129].
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Impedimetric sensing platform based on copper oxide with activated carbon for sensitive detection of amoxicillin
Copper oxide with activated carbon-based materials was synthesized for the selective detection of amoxicillin (AMX) in aqueous samples. The morphological and structural characteristics of the materials were evaluated using
a scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and voltammetric
techniques were also used to observe the electrochemical response of the system. The best AMX sensing behavior was
obtained with the presence of copper oxide that interacts with AMX and the increased surface area of activated carbon, which results in a sharp oxidation current. The electrode showed two linear responses in the AMX concentration
ranges from 10 M to 100 M and from 1 mM to 5 mM, respectively. In the linear ranges, the sensitivity of the sensing materials was calculated to be 9.5528 M1
and 0.14994 M1
, respectively. The statistical test confirms that
the electrode showed good repeatability and selectivity in the determination of AMX
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