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- English
- Conflict of Interest
- In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
- Publication history
Received May 31, 2022
Revised August 6, 2022
Accepted August 24, 2022
- Acknowledgements
- This study was financially supported by the Key Research and Development Plan Project of Tianjin of China (No. 21YFSNSN00160) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21407112).
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Mechanism of sulfamethoxazole adsorption on wastewater-sludge-based biochar: Sludge type and modification improvement
With rapid industrialization and population growth, sewage sludge generation has increased worldwide,
and it needs to be treated properly. The pyrolysis of sewage sludge into biochar provides sustainable benefits for concomitant pollutant adsorption and waste treatment. Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) antibiotics are highly prevalent in wastewater owing to their widespread utilization and low metabolic rate and removal efficiency during conventional wastewater treatment. Biochar is known to effectively remove pollutants from wastewater. However, the adsorption capacity
and mechanism of SMX adsorption onto sludge-based biochar are currently unclear. Therefore, the adsorption behavior of SMX on sludge-based biochar from three sources (raw sludge, compost sludge, and digested sludge) and ZnCl2-
modified biochar was investigated. Among the unmodified biochars, raw sludge-based biochar exhibited the highest
adsorption capacity, followed by compost sludge-based and digested sludge-based biochar. The pore-forming effect of
ZnCl2 application significantly increased the biochar specific surface area, which increased the equilibrium adsorption
of SMX from 6.1 mg/g to 49.3 mg/g. The adsorption mechanisms involved electrostatic interactions, pore filling, hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, and - interactions. The findings of this study demonstrate the development
of sewage sludge biochar and its effectiveness for the treatment of antibiotics containing wastewater.
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