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- English
- Conflict of Interest
- In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
- Publication history
Received August 9, 2022
Revised November 3, 2022
Accepted November 6, 2022
- Acknowledgements
- Authors would like to acknowledge the project titled “Innovative impulses reducing the water footprint of the global cotton-textile industry towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (InoCottonGROW)” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under funding code 02WGR1422A. Authors would also like to acknowledge the management and technical staff of the Kohinoor Textile Mills Limited (KTML) Rawalpindi, Pakistan for their support during this research work. Authors would also lik
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Performance and cost-benefit analysis of anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor for pretreatment of textile wastewater
Performance of an anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor (AnMBBR) was evaluated for pretreatment of
real textile desizing wastewater at organic loading rate (OLR) of 1±0.05 to 6.3±0.37 kgCOD/m3
/d. After OLR optimization, the performance of AnMBBR was evaluated for biodegradation of reactive dyes. AnMBBR was operated under a
mesophilic temperature range of 30 to 36 o
C, while the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and pH were in the range
of 504 to 594 (-mV) and 6.98 to 7.28, respectively. By increasing the OLR from 1±0.05 to 6.3±0.37 kgCOD/m3
/d, COD
and BOD5 removal was decreased from 84 to 39% and 89 to 49%, respectively. While the production of biogas was
increased from 0.12 to 0.83 L/L·d up to an optimum OLR of 4.9±0.43 kgCOD/m3
/d. With increase in the dye concentration in the feed, COD, BOD5, color removal and biogas production reduced from 56, 63, 70% and 0.65 L/L·d to
34, 43, 41% and 0.08 L/L·d, respectively. Based on the data obtained, a cost-benefit analysis of AnMBBR was also
investigated for the pretreatment of real textile desizing wastewater. Cost estimation of anaerobic pretreatment of textile desizing wastewater indicated a net profit of 21.09 million PKR/yr (114,000 €/yr) and a potential payback period of
2.54 years
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