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- English
- Conflict of Interest
- In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
- Publication history
Received September 20, 2022
Revised December 2, 2022
Accepted December 16, 2022
- Acknowledgements
- This work is currently supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China through contract No. 22278332. Supported by the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization (Open Fund Project No. ZJUCEU2020020).
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Effect of cohesive particle addition on bubbling characteristics of gas-solid fluidized bed: Meso-scale mechanism
Due to the small particle size and large specific surface area, the cohesive particles affect the flow characteristics in a gas-solid bubbling fluidized bed. They can easily produce agglomerated and smooth heterogeneous flow
under the different cohesive particle addition amounts. The influence of the cohesive particle amount on the bubbling
characteristics was experimentally investigated for two typical cases: bed surface agglomerate and well-dispersed with
the bed. The images of bubble rise were recorded by digital camera and processed by binarization to track bubble
motion and obtained the bubble motion characteristics. An energy minimization multiscale (EMMS) model based on
binary particle bubble was expanded to the flow of cohesive particles to reveal the basic mechanism of influence of the
cohesive particle. By comparing the results predicted by the model with the experimental data, it is found that the
change rules of bubble size and bubble rising speed are similar, which proves the feasibility of the newly developed
EMMS model. A study of the structure shows that the addition of cohesive particles increases the size of the bubbles
and inhibits the collapse of the bubble due to the reduction of the gas-solid resistance coefficient.
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