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Received October 18, 2022
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Accepted January 31, 2023
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A new class of Mx-CuSb2O6-CuSb2O4 (Mx=None, Fe, Ni, Ce and Yb) nanocomposites: Physical and electrochemical properties, and facile catalytic fabrication of 2-amino-4H-benzochromenes derivatives

1Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran 2Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran 3Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, July 2023, 40(7), 1792-1803(12), 10.1007/s11814-023-1347-9
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Solid state synthesis of some new Mx-CuSb2O6-CuSb2O4 (Mx=None, Fe, Ni, Ce and Yb) nanocomposites was introduced in the present research study. The physicoelectrochemical properties of synthesized nanocomposites were investigated by different techniques, such as XRPDT, Rietveld, FTIR, FESEM, UV-Vis, VSM, CV and EIS. Rietveld analysis data revealed that all of the synthesized samples display the monoclinic crystal phase with the space group of P21/n. The estimated direct band gap energy of the obtained nanocomposites was in the range of 2.0 to 2.7 eV, which confirms that are active in ultraviolet-visible region. The VSM data indicated that the maximum magnetic behavior was found for Ni doped - Cu-Sb-O nanocomposite. Also, the catalytic performance of nanocomposites to synthesis 2-amino-4H-benzochromenes under ultrasonic and microwave was investigated. The considered parameters, such as solvent type, catalyst amount and reaction time, influencing the yield of the 4H-benzochromene reaction were studied. The maximum yield for the synthesizing of the 4H-benzochromene compounds was obtained when EtOH was used as the reaction solvent. The catalyst amount and reaction time were 15 mol% and 8 min, respectively, under ultrasonic conditions, while benzaldehyde was used as an aldehyde derivative.


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