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Received May 31, 2022
Revised October 13, 2022
Accepted October 19, 2022
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Correlation and thermal conductivity sensitivity analysis of ternary hybrid nanofluids containing CuO and TiO2 nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes
The use of substandard nanofluids (NFs) in various industries causes the depreciation of industrial parts
and shortens the life of the parts. Therefore, the researchers in this study will help to improve the performance of
industrial equipment by preparing and examining a special hybrid nanofluid (HNF). The current research is divided
into two experimental and theoretical parts. First, a ternary hybrid nanofluid (THNF) with three nanoparticles (NPs)
CuO, MWCNT and TiO2 with specific ratios and solid volume fraction (SVF) in water was prepared and produced.
Then, the thermal conductivity (TC) of the produced nanofluid (NF) is measured by KD2 pro at different temperatures and SVFs. The results show that temperature and SVF are directly related to thermal conductivity enhancement
(TCE). The maximum TC of the desired THNF is equal to 35.60% at SVF=1.65% and T=50 o
C. In the theory part,
using the response surface method (RSM), a very accurate correlation relationship R2
=0.9986 is provided. Also, the
sensitivity of relative thermal conductivity (RTC) to changes of +10% SVF is presented, and the maximum deviation
for the studied THNF is equal to 0.95%
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