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Cost and Effi ciency Optimizations of ZnO/EG Nanofl uids Using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Coupled with a Statistical Method

Nanofl uid advanced research team , Tehran , Iran 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khomeinishahr Branch , Islamic Azad University , Khomeinishahr , Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, January 2024, 41(1), 175-186(12),


In this study, optimization of ZnO/EG nanofl uids was investigated to increase effi ciency and reduce costs. To determine

the effi ciency of nanofl uid, the defi nition of Mouromtseff number was used. The cost of nanofl uid in terms of the volume

fraction of nanoparticles ( φ ) was determined. Then, Mouromtseff functions and costs were calculated by response surface

methodology (RSM) with regression up to 96%. To determine the minimum cost and maximum effi ciency in terms

of Mouromtseff number, a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II) which is powerful in achieving optimal

response was employed. In the end, the Pareto front, optimal values of Mouromtseff , and the minimum corresponding cost

were obtained. Also, for achieving an optimal pattern of minimum cost in terms of maximum thermal effi ciency, a suitable

correlation was presented. The results show that to achieve maximum thermal effi ciency, the minimum cost is $ 360 per

liter and also the minimum cost to achieve the optimal effi ciency coeffi cient is in φ = 0.5%. Nanofl uid optimization can also

reduce nanofl uid costs by up to 10%.

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