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Strategy to Increase the Effi ciency of Battery Systems Equipped with Cellulose-Based Separators

Department of Chemistry and Energy Engineering , Sangmyung University , Seoul 03016 , Republic of Korea 1Department of Energy Systems Engineering , Soonchunhyang University , Asan 31538 , Republic of Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, February 2024, 41(2), 403-409(7),


This study delves into the production and evaluation of cellulose acetate (CA) separators with a focus on their application

in lithium-ion batteries. The primary objective is to optimize battery performance by customizing separator characteristics

through the integration of diverse additives and water-pressure treatments. Three distinct categories of additives were

investigated, which include hydrated metal nitrates, organic compounds, and metal compounds. The impact of these additives

on pore generation and porosity was comprehensively analyzed. Among the hydrated metal nitrates, Cd(NO 3 ) 2 ·4H 2 O emerged

as a highly eff ective plasticizer in comparison to Ni(NO 3 ) 2 and Mg(NO 3 ) 2 . This superiority can be attributed to the relatively

larger ionic radius of cadmium (Cd) among these three elements, facilitating the dissociation of Cd ions into cations and

counteranions. Within the realm of organic compounds, glycerin proved to be more effi cient in inducing the formation of

abundant pores in CA polymers when compared to propylene glycol and lactic acid. As for the metal compounds, they

exhibited notable eff ectiveness in preparing porous CA polymers for battery separators. However, these materials tend to

yield larger pore sizes, potentially due to their higher dissociation energy. The fi ndings of this investigation underscore the

feasibility of employing a range of additives to craft porous cellulose acetate separators. These resulting separators exhibit

varying degrees of porosity, positioning them as promising candidates for enhancing lithium-ion battery performance.

Consequently, this review contributes to the ongoing advancement of cutting-edge battery technologies by tailoring separator

materials to specifi c requirements.

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