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- Publication history
Received February 5, 2024
Accepted March 17, 2024
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Heptafl uoroisopropyl Methyl Ether as a Low Global Warming Potential Alternative for Plasma Etching of SiC
Heptafl uoroisopropyl methyl ether (HFE-347mmy) was used for SiC etching to evaluate low-GWP (global warming potential)
hydrofl uoroether as an alternative to SF 6 . SiC was etched in the HFE-347mmy/O 2 /Ar and SF 6 /O 2 /Ar plasmas, and the
etching characteristics were compared at various bias voltages. The etch rates of SiC in the HFE-347mmy/O 2 /Ar plasma
were higher than those in the SF 6 /O 2 /Ar plasma at low bias voltages (lower than − 500 V), whereas those in the SF 6 /O 2 /Ar
plasma were higher than those in the HFE-347mmy/O 2 /Ar plasma at high bias voltages (higher than − 600 V). The relative
amounts of F and O radicals in both plasmas imply that F is a major contributor to SiC etching at low bias voltages (lower
than − 500 V), whereas O is a major contributor at high bias voltages (higher than − 600 V) in the HFE-347mmy/O 2 /Ar and
SF 6 /O 2 /Ar plasmas. AFM measurements showed that the SiC etched in the HFE-347mmy/O 2 /Ar plasma exhibited smoother
surfaces than that etched in the SF 6 /O 2 /Ar plasma.
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