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Received July 19, 2023
Accepted February 15, 2024
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Investigating the Eff ect of Surface Roughness Size and Shape on the Nanofl uid Behavior and Nanoparticles Aggregation in a Square Nanochannel by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
In this article, the eff ect of surface roughness size and shape on the Poiseuille fl ow of Ar–Cu nanofl uid in a square copper
nanochannel is investigated. To do this, hemispherical, cubic, semi-cylindrical roughness, shapes extended along the nanochannel
length and width, and square protrusions extended along the nanochannel length and width are studied. The simulations
are carried out using the molecular dynamics method and LAMMPS software. The results show that the roughness
causes a change in the velocity and structure of nanofl uid atoms in the nanochannel. For example, the hemispherical roughness
with a height of 7.5Å causes 24% decrease in the nanofl uid velocity. Also, the results show that the eff ect of diff erent
shapes and sizes of roughness on the nanofl uid behavior is diff erent. For example, at the same height of roughness ( 7.5Å ),
the velocity diff erence created by diff erent roughness shapes is around 0.208
, which is around 13% of the nanofl uid velocity
in the smooth state. Additionally, it is found that the roughness makes the nanofl uid velocity profi le fl atter in the central part
of the nanochannel. Also, the results reveal that the shape and height of the roughness have an eff ect on the aggregation time
of nanoparticles and on how they move in the nanofl uid. Specifi cally, increasing the height of the roughness and decreasing
the velocity of the nanofl uid, decreases the accumulation time of nanoparticles.
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