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Received September 9, 2022
Accepted December 8, 2022
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Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction of Amoxicillin Using Miniaturization Technology
Antibiotics discharged with medical waste have had a negative impact on humans as well as aquatic organisms. Because
of the severity of its eff ects and the frequency with which it appears in medical effl uent, extraction has become obligatory.
Conducting mass transfer operations in microchannels is a promising technology that has several benefi ts over traditional
methods. In this study, the potential of performing two-phase aqueous extraction of amoxicillin in a microchannel setup
was investigated. To fully comprehend the process, it was necessary to study the system's hydrodynamics and consider the
variables that had the greatest infl uence on the extraction in the microchannel. In the hydrodynamics part, the inlet junction
showed an insignifi cant eff ect on the fl ow pattern type while the fl ow rate and volume fraction had a major eff ect. The
plug fl ow zone was chosen for the microchannel extraction based on its high surface area and ease of separation. Aqueous
two-phase system extraction (ATPS) was conducted in a microchannel to extract amoxicillin from the aqueous phase. Three
process parameters were investigated, namely temperature, salt concentration, and volume fraction, which showed a direct
proportionality infl uence on extraction effi ciency. The optimum operation conditions obtained were found to be, a temperature
of 44.3 °C, a salt concentration of 42.6 wt.%, and a volume fraction of 0.45. This was accomplished in 1.96 min as compared
to the 540 min reported for the conventional ATPS.
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