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Received January 24, 2024
Accepted March 7, 2024
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Trends of Chemical Engineering Applications in the Last Three Decades: A Scientometric and Retrospective Review

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering , Chonnam National University 1Department of Library , UCE BIT Campus, Anna University 2Department of Petrochemical Technology , UCE BIT Campus, Anna University 3Department of Biomaterials, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals,
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, August 2024, 41(8), 2203-2225(23),


Over the last few years, chemical engineering has been a signifi cant area of academic research because it is a major contributor

to the global implementation of other fi elds. This article reviews retrospectively that are relevant to chemical engineering

applications in the three decades. Based on the publication of high-quality articles, three chemical engineering publications

have been chosen as Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering (KJCE: 1989–2021), Chemical Engineering Journal (CEJ:

1996–2021), and the Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (JTICE: 2009–2021). The general publication

scientometric statistics, prominent geographies distribution of top authors, keywords, journal metrics, and contribution

towards organizations, authors, and countries were comprehensively reported. KJCE provided one of the three journals

with a historical concrete publication record dating back to 1989. CEJ and JTICE possessed the highest publication records

in just a brief period. A detailed investigation was carried out on the top 10 most cited articles and their scope in chemical

engineering applications. China has been found to contribute the most to the publication of articles in CEJ and JTICE. The

fi ndings verify that there has been a notable increase in the variety of documents published and a noteworthy progression

in the journal throughout time. Furthermore, every journal should increase the amount it contributes to the development

of early career research programs and special issues in focus areas, both of which help to promote and encourage the next

generation of researchers to engage in innovative research.

The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers. F5, 119, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, 233 Spring Street Seoul 02856, South Korea.
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