- Language
- English
- Conflict of Interest
- In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
- Publication history
Received February 9, 2024
Accepted August 7, 2024
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GPT Prompt Engineering for a Large Language Model-Based Process Improvement Generation System
Process design improvements require extensive knowledge, considerable time, and huge human resources due to the complexity
of chemical processes and their diverse objective functions. However, machine learning-based approaches using
vast accumulated data are limited in low versatility, applicable only to specifi c processes, and unable to understand the basis
of model decisions. This study proposes the GPT-based Improved Process Hybrid Transformer (GIPHT), a process design
improvement generation system utilizing Large Language Model (LLM). LLMs, being natural language-based, allow for
understanding the basis of model decisions without need of explainable AI analysis. GIPHT is composed of multi-agent to
enhance versatility and performance for diverse chemical processes. We also propose the Detailed Simplifi ed Flowsheet Input
Line Entry System format to express process diagrams in natural language, including enhanced information about process
conditions. A structured prompt system is employed and validated in the LLM domain through prompt engineering. GIPHT
searches and extracts data based on its proposed improvement methodology, providing explanations for the decision-making
process and the basis, overcoming limitations of the traditional black-box AI models. It off ers directional ideas to design
engineers in the early stages of process design and would be used for training of process engineers, supporting improvement
of outdated processes and transformation into more environmentally friendly processes.