ISSN: 0256-1115 (print version) ISSN: 1975-7220 (electronic version)
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In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Publication history
Received September 10, 2024
Accepted October 6, 2024
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Most Cited

Evaluation of the Properties and Compositions of Blended Bio-jet Fuels Derived from Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oil made from Wood According to Aging Test

Research Institute of Future Technology , Korea Petroleum Quality and Distribution Authority 1Division of Energy and Environment Technology, KIST School 2Department of Environmental Engineering , Korea University 3School Environmental Engineering , University of Seoul,,
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, December 2024, 41(13), 3631-3646(16), Evaluation of the Properties and Compositions of Blended Bio-jet Fuels Derived from Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oil made from Wood Accord


The aviation industry has set ambitious goals for reducing carbon emissions, with the International Civil Aviation Organization

targeting net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Bio-jet fuel is expected to play a crucial role in achieving this target,

and the demand for bio-jet fuel is projected to rapidly increase. Bio-oil from fast pyrolysis of lignin, such as waste wood,

is considered a promising alternative for production of bio-jet fuel through processes such as hydrodeoxygenation. In this

study, the physical properties and compositions of bio-jet fuel produced from wood-derived pyrolysis bio-oil blended with

petroleum-based jet fuel as well as their changes during 16 weeks storage were investigated. Consistently, 0%, 10%, 50%,

and 100% blended bio-jet fuels were prepared. After 16 weeks of aging, the total acid number of the all-blended bio-jet fuel

showed a sharp increase from 12 weeks, reaching over 0.1 mg KOH/g. Additionally, kinematic viscosity showed a steady

increase over 16 weeks whereas oxidative stability decreased by approximately 20% at 16 weeks for the 100% bio-jet fuel

alone. The fi nal boiling point increased by up to 20% in higher blends of bio-jet fuel and the average molecular weight

increased. Bio-jet fuel has a high olefi n content, which can further increase during storage, leading to a decrease in the

combustion characteristics. This study suggests that using up to 10% the bio-jet fuel in aircraft is safe considering storage

stability, but further research is required to confi rm this fi nding.

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