ISSN: 0256-1115 (print version) ISSN: 1975-7220 (electronic version)
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In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Publication history
Received April 12, 2023
Accepted July 18, 2023
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Most Cited

Azo Dye Decolorization in Sole Biocatalyzed Electrolysis System (BES) and Coupled with Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR-BES) in Operation with Ideal Synthetic Wastewater and Domestic Wastewater

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering , Shiraz University 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Center of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development , Shiraz University 2Department of Civil Engineering , Sirjan University of Technology
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2024, 41(3), 797-805(9),


In practice, various waste streams may be available to drive biocatalyzed electrolysis systems (BESs) for azo dyes decolorization,

which can aff ect how BES is employed to achieve superior performance. This work examined the performance of BES

and coupling it with an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR-BES) in operation with ideal synthetic wastewater (SW)

and domestic wastewater (DW) to remove acid orange 7 (AO7). Within 10 h, ASBR-BES-SW showed an acceptable AO7

removal effi ciency (94% ± 0.6%) higher than BES-SW. However, in applying DW, BES achieved 5.3% higher decolorization

effi ciency compared to ASBR-BES (79.3% ± 0.7%) in 26 h, which was enhanced to 95.5% ± 0.4% by reducing the electrode

spacing to 1 cm. Higher reductant usage ratio and more residual chemical oxygen demand were achieved in SW than DW.

Coulombic effi ciencies on AO7 reduction and COD oxidation were evaluated to investigate the contribution of removal

processes. Also, variations of electrical conductivity, temperature, pH, and current density during a cycle were examined.

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