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- English
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- Publication history
Received October 3, 2023
Accepted November 22, 2023
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Facile Synthesis of La-modifi ed CeO 2 with Microwave Method for CO 2 Adsorption
CO 2 capture in air is an important issue nowadays. Cerium oxide has been reported to be a good adsorbent for CO 2 . However,
its adsorption capacity and adsorption strength are not high enough. La-modifi ed CeO 2 was used in this study. In this study:
a new adsorbent La-modifi ed CeO 2 solid solution were prepared from aqueous solution of cerium and lanthanum hydroxides
by microwave method. These hydroxides were prepared by precipitation of Ce(NO 3 ) 3 and La(NO 3 ) 3 solution. The materials
were characterized by powder X-ray diff raction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic, scanning electron microscopy,
infrared spectroscopy, and nitrogen sorption. The results show that the increasing the lanthanum content leads to a reduction
in particle size, and increase in the number of oxygen vacancies in the crystalline structure and the specifi c BET surface areas
of the samples. The La-CeO 2 materials contained impurities of nitrate ions in their structure and exhibited high adsorption
properties for carbon dioxide at room temperature. The adsorption of carbon dioxide on the materials were in the form of
bidentate. La-modifi ed CeO 2 has large amount of CO 2 adsorption compared to the unmodifi ed one.
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