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Received April 27, 2023
Accepted August 31, 2023
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Design, Characterization and Performance of the Modifi ed Chitosan–Alumina Nanocomposites for the Adsorption of Hydroquinone and Arsenic (V) Ions

Chemical Engineering Faculty , Sahand University of Technology 1Chemistry & Process Engineering Department , Niroo Research Institute
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, May 2024, 41(5), 1535-1550(16),


The aim of this study was to prepare the well-dispersed modifi ed chitosan–alumina (CA) with size less than 50 nm by the

facile synthesis method to evaluate the adsorption of hydroquinone and arsenic (V) ions in the aqueous solutions. Derived

gamma-alumina from boehmite was coated and modifi ed by chitosan and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and salicylic acid,

respectively. The characterization of nanocomposites was studied by XRD, FTIR, FESEM, EDX TEM and BET analysis. The

chitosan and SDS phases were detected in the structure of the adsorbent as confi rmed by XRD achievements. A quadratic

polynomial model was developed to describe the eff ect of the operating parameters including pH, temperature and initial

concentration on the adsorption capacity of the prepared sample while the experimental data were designed by a response

surface method (RSM). The maximum adsorption capacity for the best adsorbent named CSAS3 was measured to be 86.95

and 95.24 mg/g for HQ and As (V) ions by employing linear Langmuir equation, respectively. The kinetic study indicated

that the experimental data were in an appropriate matching with the linearized pseudo-quadratic kinetic equation ( R 2 = 0.999).

The results showed the successful removal of hydroquinone and arsenic ions form the aqueous after 5 consecutive cycles.


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