ISSN: 0256-1115 (print version) ISSN: 1975-7220 (electronic version)
Copyright © 2025 KICHE. All rights reserved


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In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Publication history
Received September 29, 2023
Accepted March 14, 2024
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Most Cited

Effect of Flow Rate Control Modes on a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Based on a Numerical Model

State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization , State Environmental Protection Center for Coal-Fired Air Pollution Control, Zhejiang University 1China Ship Scientifi c Research Center , Wuxi Dongfang High-Performance-Ship Engineering Co 2Ningbo Beilun Third Container Terminal Co.
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, June 2024, 41(6), 1703-1714(12),


This paper studies the eff ect of fl ow rate control modes on VRB performance based on a validated numerical model. Four

modes were put forward, i.e., constant fl ow rate, variable fl ow rate with equal anolyte and catholyte (Variable modes I and

III) and variable fl ow rate with unequal anolyte and catholyte (Variable mode II). Under the optimal condition (80 mA/cm 2

current and 85% state of charge, SOC), the charging effi ciency under the Variable mode II is 0.59% higher than that under the

constant fl ow, while 0.45% and 0.85% higher than those under Variable modes I and III, respectively. The charging effi ciency

improvement could be largely ascribed to anolyte and catholyte fl ow adjustment independently, which balances the pump

power needed and concentration overpotential loss, benefi tting the reduction of total power loss. Moreover, when the charging

current is 120 mA/cm 2 , the maximum SOC of tank under Variable modes I, II, and III increase by 7.63%, 6.41%, and

13%, respectively, in comparison with that under the constant fl ow rate. The signifi cant increase under Variable mode III is

due to an introduction of new objective function (pseudo power loss function), which limits the concentration overpotential

diff erence between anolyte and catholyte, extending time to reach cut-off voltage.

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