- Language
- English
- Conflict of Interest
- In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
- Publication history
Received January 4, 2023
Revised February 12, 2023
Accepted March 2, 2023
- Acknowledgements
- This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51706104), National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20211370) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (30920031103).
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Comprehensive analysis of acid gases on mercury removal by CuCl2 modified char exposure to oxy-fuel environment: Experiment and XPS perception
In this work, 0.15 mol/L CuCl2 solution was used to impregnate rice husk char. Experiments were conducted
in a laboratory-scale fixed-bed reactor to investigate the oxidation mechanism of Hg0
by acidic gases. The effects of
acid gases (SO2, HCl and NO) atmospheres on the mercury removal efficiency of the adsorbent were studied by FTIR,
XPS and experiments. The FTIR results showed that the surface of the prepared rice husk char adsorbent contained a
large amount of Cu2+ and chlorine-containing functional groups. The XPS results showed that the Cu+
on the surface
of the adsorbent increased after mercury adsorption. This work shows that the inhibitory effect of SO2 on Hg removal
is reflected in the blockage of the pore structure on the adsorbent surface; the competitive adsorption of O2 needed for
the generation of C-O*, the formation of an acid mist by SO2 hinders the contact of Hg0
with the active site. The promotion of HCl is due to the production of active chlorine substances (Cl*) to promote the oxidation of Hg0
to HgCl,
HgCl2 and HgO. And introduction of NO will react with O2, while generation of NO2 is beneficial to the oxidation of
to HgO and Hg(NO3)2. The optimum mercury removal efficiency of the adsorbent is nearly 100% under certain
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