Total 3 articles [ 저자: Chun N ]
No. Article
1 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (4), pp.853-864 (2022)
Fuel filling time estimation for hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicle at different initial conditions using dynamic simulation
Galanido RJ, Sebastian LJ, Asante DO, et al.
2 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35 (4), pp.984-993 (2018)
Agomelatine co-crystals with resorcinol and hydroquinone: Preparation and characterization
Lee MJ, Chun NH, Kim HC, et al.
3 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32 (9), pp.1910-1917 (2015)
Controlling the polymorphism of carbamazepine-saccharin cocrystals formed during antisolvent cocrystallization using kinetic parameters
Lee MJ, Wang IC, Kim MJ, et al.