Total 3 articles [ 키워드: GDL ]
No. Article
1 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38 (8), pp.1703-1714 (2021)
3-D modeling of proton exchange fuel cell cathode with a novel random generation of gas diffusion porous layer
Bahoosh R, Jafari M, Bahrainian SS
2 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 36 (1), pp.136-145 (2019)
Effects of electrode compression on the water droplet removal from proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Molaeimanesh GR, Shojaeefard MH, Moqaddari MR
3 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31 (4), pp.598-610 (2014)
Water droplet dynamic behavior during removal from a proton exchange membrane fuel cell gas diffusion layer by Lattice-Boltzmann method
Molaeimanesh G, Akbari MH