<< 특별 심포지엄 1 >> 석유자원 후속 세대로서의 바이오 에너지 및 바이오 화학물질“White Biotechnology”심포지엄 * 일 시 : 2008년 4월 24일(목), 09:00~17:20 * 장 소 : 제주 ICC B발표장(한라홀 A) * 공동주최 : 고려대학교 화학공학 인력양성 산학연 공동사업단, 서강대학교 지능형 나노부품소재 기술 인력양성사업단, 서울대학교 화공분야연구인력양성 사업단, 성균관대학교 친환 경·에너지 복합기술 인력양성 사업단 * 프로그램 Chairman : Seung Wook Kim (Korea University, KOREA) 09:00 Current Status and Prospect of Industrial Biotechnology Young Je Yoo (Seoul National University, KOREA) 09:30 Systems Metabolic Engineering for Bioenergy and Biorefinery Sang Yup Lee (KAIST, KOREA) 10:00 Production of Biofuels and Chemicals by Cell Surface Engineered Microbial Cells Akihiko Kondo (Kobe University, JAPAN) Chairman : Woo Seok Choe (Sungkyunkwan University, KOREA) 13:30 Conversion of Plant Cell Walls to Sugars by Clostridium cellulovorans Cellulosomes Roy H. Doi (University of California, Davis, USA) 14:10 Present and Future of Biomass for Bioethanol in Korea Sun-Hyung Kim (The University of Seoul, KOREA) 14:40 Screening of Microalgae Isolated from Marine Coastal Waters of Singapore for Production of Biodiesel Feedstock Jeff OBBARD (National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE) 15:20 Coffee Break Chairman : Tai Hyun Park (Seoul National University, KOREA) 15:40 Extractive Biobutanol Production Byoung-In Sang (KIST, KOREA) 16:10 Dark and Photo Fermentative Hydrogen Production as a Route Toward Biomass Energy Generation Jo-Shu Chang (National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN) 16:50 Current Status and Trend of Clean Development Mechanism for Bioenergy Jong Ik Yoo (Ecosense Co., KOREA)