[특별 심포지엄 3]
KIChE-SCEJ joint symposium
2016년 10월 20일(목), 08:50~17:30
대전컨벤션센터 G발표장(102호)
주관: 국제화 국제협력위원회
Organizer: 김도형(전남대), 이도창(KIAST)
좌장: 유필진(성균관대, 문준혁(서강대)
08:50 Opening remarks
Yong Kang, President of KIChE
09:00 Unconventional photolithography dictated by reaction-diffusion process
Shin-Hyun Kim, KAIST
09:30 Synthesis of hollow nanostructured silica particle and their application for optically transparent and thermally insulating polymer
Takashi Ogi, Hiroshima Univ.
10:00 Mesoscale porous inverse opals: Characterization of their charge and ion transport properties for photoelectrochemical electrode application
Jun Hyuk Moon, Sogang Univ.
10:30 Bead-milling and post-milling recrystallization: An organic template-free methodology for the production of nano-zeolite catalyst
Toru Wakihara, The Univ. of Tokyo
14:00 In vitro tissue models using microscale technologies for drug development
Kazunori Shimizu, Nagoya Univ.
14:30 Utrathin polymeric thin films for the application to organic electronics
Sung Gap Im, KAIST
15:00 Metal-organic framework(MOF)-based gas separation membrane
Nobuo Hara, AIST
15:30 Coffee break
15:50 Smart carbon nanotube photothermal therapy platform
Woo-Jae Kim, Gachon Univ.
16:20 Transformation of biomass-derivatives using layered metal oxide solid acid catalysts
Atsushi Takagaki, The Univ. of Tokyo
16:50 Microfluidic design and synthesis of shape-variant functional droplets and bubbles
Pil J. Yoo, SKKU
17:20 Closing remarks
Do-Heyoung Kim, Chonnam Nat’l Univ./Chair of International Relations Committee, KIChE