
Call for Papers Closing 28th February, 2017

10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE10)

1st - 5th October, 2017


Extended deadline for abstract submission: 28th February, 2017

It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to participate as delegate, sponsor and/or as exhibitor of the 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, and its joint events, held in conjunction with the 11th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and the 4th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (WCCE10+ECCE11+ECAB4).

This congress will be held in October 1st  – 5th , 2017, coinciding with Expoquimia (Chemical Industry Exhibition held each three years in Spain), in FIRA of Barcelona, Spain. The World Chemical Engineering Council (WCEC), the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) promotes this “three in one” congress. The EFCE-Spain Group, formed by four Spanish societies: ANQUE, Enginyers, SEQUI and AIQS, hosts the congress.

The World Chemical Engineering Council (WCEC) was formed in Melbourne at the 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering to ensure a high standard of chemical engineering and related science and technology. The Council includes all regional Confederations and the principal worldwide institutions and societies of chemical engineering.

EFCE is Europe’s most active forum for chemical engineering. For sixty years, it has represented the profession in both industry and academia, crossing different disciplines and nurturing wide collaborations of innovative thinking, research and breakthrough.

EFCE scientific congresses and symposia are the heart of its activities. The first European Congress in 1997 was only the start of a grand journey of growth. European Congresses have now become a biennial and world-famous event, bringing chemical engineering expertise on an unprecedented scale to a single location where academics, industry professionals and equipment suppliers can interact, share, debate, collaborate and inspire one another.

The participation of ESBES provides an important channel between industry and academia and fosters the cooperation of bioengineers from all over Europe and overseas. This joint venture extends the traditional topics of Chemical Engineering to include Biorefineries, Bioprocess Engineering, Bioseparations, Biofuels, Biomaterials, Algae biotechnology, Bio-based products and nanobiotechnology. Thus the collaboration of all parties will bring innovative solutions to respond to major societal challengesFurther to the success of the last events held in Korea (2013) and in Canada (2009), more than 3.000 participants from all around the world are expected.

The Congress will take place simultaneously and at the same venue with EXPOQUIMIA, the largest trade fair dedicated to chemistry in southern Europe, ensuring the best context in terms of affluence and opportunities.

The organizers are paying very special attention to young chemical engineers and future talents with knowledge, education and training as the first congress topic. Specific activities of special interest both for the future promises as well as for companies will enrich that focus, looking to identify and recruit talent for the future.

This group of events will be a unique opportunity for you to meet with researchers and specialists in practically all areas of chemical engineering and to improve your strategy for the development of innovative processes that will be vital for the industry of tomorrow.

The World Congress in 2017 will see Spain as the host country, presenting an opportunity for the world, European and Spanish industry to highlight the very best of its innovation and enterprises in a context that is in itself unique. 
The venue adds an important attraction to the congresses. Spain is a beautiful country with an excellent climate and unparalleled hospitality. It is the fourth European economy and a vibrant society in all respects. Barcelona is one of the world’s most visited cities.
Its privileged position in the Mediterranean shore, gateway and home of several ancient cultures has always represented the essence of art, culture and progress in Spain. Barcelona is the flagship city of the wealthiest region of Spain, leader in art, design, industry and lifestyle, a must visit for travellers and an endless source of inspiration.

Join us in Barcelona!