연세대학교 화공생명공학과 류두열 교수가 고분자 나노구조의 상거동 및
계면현상에 대한 실험 발전에 기여한 공로로 미국물리학회의 2024 석학회원
(Fellow of the American Physical Society)로 선임 되었음을 알려드립니다.

The number of recommended nominees in each year may not exceed one-half
percent of the then-current membership of the Society, excluding student
members. It is a prestigious recognition by your peers for your outstanding
contributions to physics. The citation that will appear on your certificate
“For insightful studies on block copolymer phase behavior, pivotal
interfacial phenomena, and the impact of block copolymer nanostructure in
advanced technology.”