일시: 2015년 11월 20일(금) 14:30~18:00 장소: KIST 국제협력관 제 1회의실 연사: ● 심태섭(아주대학교, 화학공학과): Dynamic Growth Control of Polymeric Microstructures by Chemical-Gradient and Its Applications ● 곽노균(한국과학기술연구원): Microfluidics for Engineering Better Electro-membrane Desalination ● 최시영(KAIST, 생명화학공학과): Transport of small molecules through lipid bilayer membranes ● 이승현(수원대학교, 신소재공학과) : Plasmonic Hybrid Nanosystems for Molecular Detection based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance