본 학회 영문학술지인 "The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering"
투고요령 변경

논문 투고시 'Reference' 표기 방법 일부가 변경되었으니 참고하시어 투고요령에 맞게 작성을 부탁드립니다.

References : References cited in the text should be numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance in the text, and the complete list of the references should appear at the end of the text. References in the text should be cited with numerals in brackets such as [2] or [3,7,9]. Abbreviations of journals should conform to Chemical Abstracts. Example reference formats are given below.

  1. L. Zhou and H. Y. Sohn, AIChE J., 42, 3102 (1996).
  2. W. J. Kim, C. H. Choi and S. H. Moon, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 19, 617 (2002).
  3. C.-J. Kim and G. Seo, Korean Chem. Eng. Res., 42, 532 (2004).
  4. N. Wakao and S. Kaguei, Heat and mass transfer in packed beds, Gordon and Breach Sci. Publications, New York (1982).
  5. R. G. Kander and M. E. Paulaitis, in Chemical engineering at supercritical fluid conditions, M. E. Paulaitis, J. M. L. Penninger, R. D. Gray Jr. and P. Davidson Eds., Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor (1983).
  6. R. W. Neuzil and J. W. Priegnitz, US Patent, 4,024,331 (1977).