Call for Papers

The 17th Congress of the Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering for a Sustainably Developing World

-         the Role for the Asia Pacific Region

Date:                   23 – 27 August 2017

Venue:                Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center


·         Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

·         Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

·         Chemical Discipline, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Topics to cover:

·         ​​Green technologies

·         Eco-Design – Products and Processes

·         Reaction engineering and catalysis

·         Separation technologies

·         Process simulation and control

·         Bioproducts, food and bioprocessing

·         Tissue engineering and drug delivery

·         Nanotechnology and advanced materials

·         Energy and environmental technologies

·         Process safety and risk management

·         Innovation and entrepreneurship for chemical engineers

·         Modern chemical engineering education

·         Any other current topics


Theme topic sessions to be organized within this congress:

      Advanced Functional Materials

      Advanced Separation and Filtration

      Catalysis for Environmental Application

      Chemical Engineering Education

      Dewatering and Drying Technology

      Energy Conversion and Storage

      Ionic Liquids and Green Energy

      Microreaction Technology and Green Chemical Processing

      Process Safety and Risk Management

Plenary Speakers:

Ø  Prof. Zhanfeng Cui, Oxford, Fellow, RAE, IChemE

Ø  Prof. Gerry Fuller, Stanford, Fellow, AAA&S; Member, NAE

Ø  Prof. Karen Gleason, MIT, Member, NAE

Ø  Prof. Jinghai Li, Vice President, Member, CAS

Ø  Prof. Philippe Tanguy, TOTAL Professor, President, WCEC

Ø  Prof. Ganapati D. Yadav, Inst of Chem Tech, Mumbai, FTWAS, FNASc, FRSC

Ø  Prof. Jackie Ying, Institute of Bioeng and Nanotechnology, Executive Director

Ø  Prof. Dongyuan Zhao, Fudan University, Member, CAS

Keynote Speakers:

Ø  Prof. T. Adschiri, Tohoku University

Ø  Prof. Rose Amal, UNSW, FIChemE FIEAust

Ø  Dr. Khalil Amine, Argonne National Lab

Ø  Prof. G. Botte, Ohio U, Univ Distinguished Professor

Ø  Prof. Jianfeng Chen, Beijing U of Chem Tech, Member, CAE

Ø  Prof. Jingguang Chen, Columbia University, Fellow, ACS.

Ø  Prof. Xiaodong Chen, Suzhou University, Fellow, AATSE, Australia 

Ø  Prof. Neal Chung, Provost’ Chair, NUS, Fellow, AIChE

Ø  Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens, UCL, Fellow, IChemE, AIChE

Ø  Prof. Furong Gao, HKUST, Fellow, PSE

Ø  Prof. Xigao Jian, Dalian U of Tech, Member, CAE

Ø  Prof. Duu-Jong Lee, Distinguished Professor, Taiwan University

Ø  Dr. Lin Li, Chevron Energy Technology

Ø  Prof. A. W. Lothongkum, KMITL, Thailand

Ø  Prof. Benzhong Tang, HKUST, Member, CAS

Ø  Prof. Suojiang Zhang, Inst of Proc Engn, Member, CAS

Ø  Prof. Shiping Zhu, McMaster University, Fellow, CAE, RSCan

Prof. Shiping Zhu

McMaster University

Fellow, CAE, RSCan

Journals to publish Special Issue based on selected papers from the congress

Ø  Asian-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering

Ø  Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

Ø  Catalysis Today

Ø  Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering

Ø  Frontiers of Chemical Science & Engineering

Ø  International Journal of Drying Technology

Ø  Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

Ø  Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan

Ø  Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering

Ø  Process Safety and Environmental Protection

Ø  Separation and Purification Technology

Ø  More to confirm


Online abstract submission at     before 15 May 2017

Notification of Acceptance:                                                      before 1 June 2017 Contact Email:

The Organizing Committee

Honorary Chairman

Sir C.K. Chow, Chairman, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd



Prof. Guohua Chen, President, the 17th APCChE


Advisors: Otto CC Lin;  Po Lock Yue

Executive Committee Members

CK Chan (CityU),




M Shao



KY Wong



P Yau



J Yu


 KY Chan (HKU), Henry Lam (HKUST), Chris Man (Towngas), M Shao (HKUST), KM Ng (HKUST), KY Wong (HK PolyU), Peter Yau (HKIE), Jimmy Yu (CUHK)


Organizing Committee Members

An, Liang, HK PolyU

Barford, John, HKUST

Gao, Furong, HKUST

Gao, Ping, HKUST

Geng, Ping, HK PolyU

Ho, Andrew, HKIE

Hsing, I-Ming, HKUST

Huang, Haitao, HK PolyU

Lam, Henry, HKUST

Lee, Michael, HKIE

Leung, Wallace, HK PolyU

Li, Quan, CUHK

Li, Xiang-dong, HK PolyU

Lin, Carol, HK CityU

Liu, Marshal, HKUST

Luo, Zhengtang, HKUST

Mak, Andrew, Air Products

Mak, Melody, CLP

Ng, Ka Ming, HKUST

Shao, Minhua, HKUST

Sun, Fei,  HKUST

Teoh, W.Y., HK City U

Wang, Yi, HK PolyU

Wu, Jianyong, HK PolyU

Zhang, Biao, HK PolyU

Zhou, Li-Min, HK PolyU


Scientific Committee Members

An, Liang, HK PolyU

Cheng, Yi, Tsinghua University

Chu, Liang-yin,Sichuan University

Devahastin, Sakamon, KMUTT

Gao, Furong, HKUST

Geng, Ping, HK PolyU

Ho, Andrew, HKIE

Hsing, I-Ming, HKUST

Hu, Xijun, HKUST

Huang, Haitao, HK PolyU

Ji, Hongbing, Zhongshan University

Lakervald, Richard, HKUST

Lam, Henry, HKUST

Law, Chung Lim, Nottingham, Malaysia

Leung, Wallace, HK PolyU

Li, Xiang-dong, HK PolyU

Li, Y.D., Tianjin University

Lin, Carol, HK CityU

Liu, Marshal, HKUST

Lothongkum, A. W., KMITL

Luo, Zhengtang, HKUST

Ma, Zifeng, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Ng, Danny, Nottingham University

Ng, Ka Ming, HKUST

Rattan, V.K., Panjab University

Shao, Minhua, HKUST

Sun, Fei,  HKUST

Teoh, W.Y., HK City U

Wang, Wei, Dalian University of Tech

Wang, Yi, HK PolyU

Wu, Jianyong, HK PolyU

Xin, Zhong, ECUST

Yeung, K.L., HKUST

Yip, Alex, Canterbury University

Zhang, Suojiang, PIE, CAS

Zhao, Jinsong, Tsinghua U

Zhou, Li-Min, HK PolyU