▷ 회사: 외국계 화학사
▷ 회사위치: 서울
▷ 업무내용 및 자격요건
- Allocation of lab resources and equipment to cover all analytical requests
- Analysis of measured value and feedback the results to requesters
- Management of lab indicators, HSE & 5S
- Set up relationship with external Analytical Institute
- Maintenance and calibration of analytical equipment
- Evaluation of measurement reliability (Guage R&R)
- Enhance measurement reliability thru cause analysis and modification of system
- Upgrade lab performance by developing new methodology and investing new equipment
- Defect-free follow up of annual car OEM quality testing
- Construct and maintain the best working environment without any critical accident
- Chemical 관련 전공자 (화학, 화공, 고분자)
- Engineering Plastic 관련 기업 경력 우대
- 차/부장급, 30대 후반 선호
- 영어 가능자 우대
▷ 직급 및 연봉: 협의후 결정
▷ 제출서류: 이력서, 경력기술서
▷ 제출기한: 채용시까지
▷ 담당자: 서미경
▷ 문의처: 031-711-0311 / mkseo@hijob.co.kr