Multiple postdoctoral positions are immediately available in the Song Lab ( at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the following areas: • Microbiome modeling (specific areas: metabolic modeling, omics integration, network inference, biogeochemical modeling, and reactive transport modeling) • Computational drug discovery (focused area: ligand-based computer-aided drug discovery) • Process systems engineering (specific areas: machine learning and optimization) Microbiome modeling: This position is to conduct projects from the Soil Microbiome Scientific Focus Area (SFA) ( and the River Corridor SFA ( at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) ( A main role of the postdoctoral fellow is to develop genome-scale metabolic networks (e.g., using the KBase pipeline for omics integration. Candidates with experiences in general other microbial community modeling approaches (including network inference, biogeochemical modeling, and reactive-transport modeling) are also encouraged to apply. Computational drug discovery: The goal of this project is to apply data-driven modeling techniques (including deep learning) for identifying chemical motifs that control drug activity and other desirable properties (required for drugs). While initiating the project by analyzing data from Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) ( in Korea, the postdoctoral researcher will contribute to expand the scope to other related applications. Process systems engineering: We also look for candidates with specialty in process systems engineering, particularly machine learning and optimization. The postdoctoral researcher will be involved in multiple projects by working with microbiome modeling and/or computational drug discovery team at PNNL and in the Song Lab and lead the development of new modeling and optimization pipelines. Interested applicants should send a most updated CV including the names of three references to Dr. Hyun-Seob Song at