The Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) invites applications for faculty positions at all levels and in all areas of bio-engineering and brain research, but with particular emphasis in the areas of bio-medical informatics, functional genomics and proteomics, systems biology, synthetic biology, neural engineering and cognitive neuroscience, brain computer interface, brain stimulation/therapy, biostatistics, neuro-statistics, biomedical imaging, neuroimaging, imaging system implementation, imaging probes, biomaterials, nanotechnology, or stem cell engineering among other areas. The Department was established in 2002 to pursue excellence in interdisciplinary research and educations in bioengineering and brain research. The Department was recently donated again by $25–million gift from the Jung Moon Soul foundation to support research in cognitive neuroscience and engineering. For further information, please refer to the department website ( Faculty in the department are also appointed and supported by world-class interdisciplinary research facilities such as the KAIST Institutes (KI) for the BioCentury, the NanoCentury, Information Technology Convergences, Optical Science and Technology, or Design of Complex Systems. Applications are encouraged from candidates whose research programs are in all engineering and science disciplines with his/her own research focus on bioengineering and brain research. Successful candidates should have outstanding research accomplishments and will be expected to pursue innovative and independent research. Senior level appointments with tenure are also available for qualified candidates. KAIST has a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. Deadline to submit application is by April 30, 2014. You must submit your application by the deadline in order to have full consideration by the Search Committee. Applications will be considered starting immediately on a rolling basis until the deadline, so early submissions are strongly recommended. Applications can be submitted by sending a cover letter, CV, research statement to Faculty Search Committee Chair (Prof. Jong Chul Ye, or Qualified candidates will be invited for submitting formal applications along with names of references. For more information, please contact to the faculty search committee chair