The abstract submission deadline for oral presentations has been extended to April 15. The abstract submission deadline for poster presentations is June 15. Please submit your abstracts to the APCChE 2019 via the congress website. The purpose of this congress is to promote the exchange of information and sharing of experience related to Chemical Engineering. Although the congress theme is “Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, it will cover a broad range of themes including cutting-edge technology such as nanotechnology, IoT, digitalization, big-data and biotechnology in addition to the topics related to SDGs such as assessment and monitoring tools, metrics, and indicators for SGDs. In addition to scientific oral and poster sessions, we will be organizing special events and sessions such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)-APCChE joint symposium on SDGs and student contests on SDGs. We expect that 1,500 chemical engineers and allied scientists will gather in Sapporo to attend this meeting. We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you in Sapporo in September.