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n-Propyl Alcohol-Water-Salt계의 액액평형-염효과에 의한 공비 혼합물의 분리에 관한 연구(I)-
The Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for n-Propyl Alcohol-Water-Salt-Systems
HWAHAK KONGHAK, April 1974, 12(2), 57-64(8), NONE

Effect of salts in liquid-liquid equilibrium for n-propyl alcohol-water system was studied at 30℃ under atmospheric pressure.
The addition of salts such as K2CO3, Na2CO3, KCl, NaCl etc. separated n-propyl alcohol-water homogeneous mixture into two layers and moved the composition of the upper layer to above the azeotropic composition.
It was found that the effect of salts at saturated state gave better results in sequence of KCl, NaCl, Na2CO3 and K2CO3. At the same time, mutual solubilities and tie line data were determined experimentally for the ternary systems of n-propyl alcohol-water-salt(K2CO3, Na2CO3, KCl, NaCl) at 30℃ under atmospheric pressure. The tie line data were successfully correlated by each of five different methods-Hirata, Campbell, Hand, Treybal, and Iguchi and plait points of these ternary systems were located by the methods of Hand-Treybal and Iguchi.
The addition of salts such as K2CO3, Na2CO3, KCl, NaCl etc. separated n-propyl alcohol-water homogeneous mixture into two layers and moved the composition of the upper layer to above the azeotropic composition.
It was found that the effect of salts at saturated state gave better results in sequence of KCl, NaCl, Na2CO3 and K2CO3. At the same time, mutual solubilities and tie line data were determined experimentally for the ternary systems of n-propyl alcohol-water-salt(K2CO3, Na2CO3, KCl, NaCl) at 30℃ under atmospheric pressure. The tie line data were successfully correlated by each of five different methods-Hirata, Campbell, Hand, Treybal, and Iguchi and plait points of these ternary systems were located by the methods of Hand-Treybal and Iguchi.