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전압법에 의한 이성분(Acetone-Water)계의 등온기액 평형
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium for the Binary System Acetone-Water by the Total Pressure Method
HWAHAK KONGHAK, June 1974, 12(3), 179-188(10), NONE

전압법에 의하여 15℃, 25℃ 35℃, 45℃에서 acetone-water계의 등온기액평형 데이터를 얻었다.
평형증기조성을 계산하기 위하여 Barker's approximation method를 사용했으며 또한 Wilson parameter도 구했다.
등온기액평형 데이터를 이용하여 일정압력하의 기액평형 데이터를 추산하는 방법을 제시했으며 그 방법의 타당성을 확인했다.
평형증기조성을 계산하기 위하여 Barker's approximation method를 사용했으며 또한 Wilson parameter도 구했다.
등온기액평형 데이터를 이용하여 일정압력하의 기액평형 데이터를 추산하는 방법을 제시했으며 그 방법의 타당성을 확인했다.
Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibrium data was obtained by the total pressure method for the binary system acetone-water at 15℃, 25℃, 35℃, and 45℃, respectively.
Barker's approximation method was employed for the calculations of the vapour composition and Wilson parameters.
A new method of deriving vapour-liquid equilibrium data at constant pressure from isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria was presented and the calculated values using this method were found to be in good agreement with the literature values.
Barker's approximation method was employed for the calculations of the vapour composition and Wilson parameters.
A new method of deriving vapour-liquid equilibrium data at constant pressure from isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria was presented and the calculated values using this method were found to be in good agreement with the literature values.