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소성 Alunite분말과 물의 불균일반응속도와 기구
Heterogeneous Reaction of Calcinated Alunite Powder with Distilled Water: Kinetics and Mechanism
HWAHAK KONGHAK, October 1974, 12(5), 303-308(6), NONE
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소성 alunite분말 (비표면적 0.47∼0.51 m2/g)과 증류수의 불균일반응을 분말의 밉도가 서로 다른 것을 써서 온도 25 ℃로부터 60 ℃사이에서 실험한 결과를 분석검토하였다.
이 결과는 추출속도가 Jander식에 따르고 입도가 적으면 적을수록, 온도가 높으면 높을수록 확산정수가 커져서 쉽게 추출되고 입자내로의 확산이 율속단계임을 밝혔다.
이 결과는 추출속도가 Jander식에 따르고 입도가 적으면 적을수록, 온도가 높으면 높을수록 확산정수가 커져서 쉽게 추출되고 입자내로의 확산이 율속단계임을 밝혔다.
The leaching kinetics of calcinated alunite powders (surface area : 0.47∼0.51 m2/g) with distilled water has been studied for various particle sizes over a temperature range from 25 ℃ to 60 ℃.
The leaching rate follows Jander's equation ; that is, the conversion is proportional to the square root of the concentration of the solution and inversely to the initial particle diameter.
The result of the experiments showed taht, the smaller the particle size and the higher the temperature, the greater the diffusion coefficient and the conversion was accordingly increased.
It was found that the internal diffusion was the rate controlling step of the process and this colclusion was confirmed by measuring the aromatic adsorption index.
The leaching rate follows Jander's equation ; that is, the conversion is proportional to the square root of the concentration of the solution and inversely to the initial particle diameter.
The result of the experiments showed taht, the smaller the particle size and the higher the temperature, the greater the diffusion coefficient and the conversion was accordingly increased.
It was found that the internal diffusion was the rate controlling step of the process and this colclusion was confirmed by measuring the aromatic adsorption index.