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연속식 탱크 반응기에서의 혼합효과

Mixing Effects in a Stirred Tank Reactor

HWAHAK KONGHAK, December 1975, 13(6), 325-332(8), NONE
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반응기 입구농도에 계단 입력을 주었을 때 과도응답을 측정함으로써 연속식 탱크 반응기의 비 이상 혼합효과를 조사하였다. 탱크의 레이놀즈수가 17을 넘으면 들어가는 유량의 난류만으로 완전혼합을 얻을 수 있었고 17이하에서는 임펠라의 직경을 기준으로 한 레이놀즈수의 최소치를 탱크의 레이놀즈수와 관련시켜 Rem = 540 ln(17/Ret)의 관계식을 얻었다. 입구관과 출구관을 넘쳐 흐르는 수위와 일직선으로 했을 때 by passing 효과를 조사했고 비이상 흐름에서는 여러 가지의 mixed model로써 흐름의 pattern을 나타냈다.
Nonideal behaviour of a continous flow stirred tank reactor was investigated by observing the transient response of the reactor to step changes in feed concentration. It was shown that the turbulence caused by inlet flow only was sufficient for perfect mixing provided that the tank Reynolds number exceeded 17. For the tank Reynolds number below 17, mechanical stirring was necessary and the Reynolds number based on the impeller diameter for perfect mixing was correlated to the tank Reynolds number as follows:
It was also found that bypassing effects became more significant when the feedline and effluent line were placed near the liquid levels. For nonideal flows, several mixed models described the flow patterns, namely bypassing and dead space model, CSTR and PFR in series model, and dead space model.


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