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유동층의 특성과 모델

Characteristics and Models of Fluidized Bed

HWAHAK KONGHAK, February 1978, 16(1), 13-28(16), NONE
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유동-고체계 유동층반응기는 유체와 고체간 접촉형태로 보면 비균일 유동층 (또는 기포유동층)과 균일유동층으로 분류할 수 있다. 공업적으로 중요한 기포유동층반응기내의 화학반응을 예측하고져 많은 형태의 이상모델이 제안되었다. 이 모델들의 설정조건과 그 특성을 살펴보고, 이울러 균일유동층 중의 하나이며 최근 개발응용발전이 기대되는 전기화학유동층반응기 (또는 유동층적극반응기)에 대한 특성을 살펴보고저 한다.
Fluid-solid fluidized bed reactors may be classified by various types according to kinds of contacting of solids by fluid, operating conditions, the dynamic behaviour of the solids, or the mode of solid movement(circulation). The fluid-solid fluidized system which belong to the first(kinds of contacting of solids by fluid) divide into two categories, so-called "an aggregative fluidized bed, or a bubbling fluidized bed" and " a particulate fluidized bed, or a homogeneously fluidized bed". The former is industrial importance for many gas-solid reactions. Many two-phase reactor models have been proposed in an effort to predict chemical conversions in aggregative fluidized beds(or gas-fluidized beds). In this paper the assumptions underlying these models are considered, and it is showen their characteristics of some models. In recent years a considerable amount of work has been carried out on electrodepositions, batteries and preparations of chemicals using electrochemical fluidized bed reactors(fluidized bed electrode), one of particulate fluidized beds. It is consists of a bed of conducting particles fluidized by the upward flow of electrolyte through some form of distributor and all bed-particles act as an electrode. The basic principles of the fluidized bed electrode and their characteristics are also reviewed here.


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