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n-Propylalcohol-N-Propylacetate계의 기액평형에 있어서의 첨가물 효과

Effect of Additives on Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of n-Propylalcohol-n-Propylacetate System

HWAHAK KONGHAK, December 1978, 16(6), 397-404(8), NONE
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비수용액계 공비혼합물인 n-propylalcohol-n-propylacetate계의 기액평형에 미치는 첨가물 효과를 조사하기 위하여 무기염인 LiCl, CaCl2, 와 유기물인 Urea를 사용하여 각 첨가물이 혼합액의 비점에서 포화됐을 때의 기액평형치를 측정하고, 또 혼합액의 비점에서 각 첨가물의 용해도를 측정하였다. 실험결과에 의하면 세가지 첨가물 모두 공비점이 없어지지는 않았으나 공비점이 많이 이동하였다. 그 효과는 무기염인 LiCl이 가장 좋고 그 다음이 CaCl2, 유기물인 Urea가 가장 나쁘다. 수용액계에서 적용된 Furter의 실험식에서 Salt effect parameter(k3)와 Salting out parameter(k31, k32)를 구하여 이들 사이의 상호관계(k3=k31-k32)가 잘 일치하여 수용액계에서 적용되는 Furter의 실험식이 비수용액계에서도 성립함을 확인하였으며, 이들 Parameter의 크기로 LiCl, CaCl2, Urea의 순으로 되어, 본 실험결과의 분리효과와 일치함을 알았다.
The vapor-liquid equilibrium data of n-propyl alcohol (1)-n-propyl acetate(2) system having similar physical properties and showing the azeotropic composition x1=0.63 mol fraction at 94.2 ℃ were experimentally measured under atmospheric pressure. The experimental data were proved to be correct by the Herington test method. In order to eliminate or shift the azeotropic composition of the system, three kinds of additives such as LiCl, CaCl2 and Urea were added into the system in the extent of saturation and then the new vapor-liquid equilibruim data were obtained, and the effect of each additive was investigated. By adding additive the azeotropic points were shifted to some extent, but not disappeared in any case. For the case of LiCl the salt effect shows remarkably large, the next of CaCl2, and Urea shows the smallest effect. In addition of the measurement, the solubility of LiCl, CaCl2 and Urea in the system were determined at their respective boiling points. The salt effect parameter(k3) calculated from experimental data by aid of the Furter equation represents a good coincidence with the experimental results.


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