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전해질용액 기포탑에서의 기체체류량 및 축방향혼합에 관한 연구

Gas Hold-up and Axial Dispersion in a Bubble Column of Electrolyte Solutions

HWAHAK KONGHAK, August 1981, 19(4), 269-280(12), NONE
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전해질특성이 기체체류량과 축방향혼합에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 관하여 고찰하였다. 실험은 직경이 5.4 ㎝인 기포탑에서 1.3∼9.7 ㎝/sec의 기체유속범위와 0.5∼2.1 ㎝/sec의 액체유속범위에서 행하여졌다. 0.001 N∼0.1 N로 변화시킨 전해액에서 전해액의 특성을 나타내는 이온세기와 기체유속 및 액체유속으로 기체체류량을 나타내었다. 한편, 층류범위와 난류범위의 각 흐름영역에서 혼합정도와 그 경향은 상당한 차이를 나타내는데 층류영역에서 난류범위로 벗어나는 대략적인 기체의 전이속도는 최소상대속도로부터 결정할 수 있으며, 이 전이속도 또한 이온세기로 상관지어 나타내었다.
Gas hold-up and liquid phase axial dispersion coefficient have been measured in a bubble column of 5.4 ㎝ diameter in which ionic solutions(in the range of concentration of 0.001 N to 0.1N) were employed in order to determine the effects of ionic strength on the objective parameters.
The gas velocity corresponding to minimum relative velocity is important in determining the ultimate bubbly flow fegime, which is transited to turbulent flow. This transition gas velocity, Vgt, is correlated with ionic strength of electrolytes.
Effects of gas velocity(1.3∼9.7 ㎝/sec), liquid velocity(0.5∼2.1 ㎝/sec) and especially ionic strength on axial dispersion of liquid and gas phase hold-up are determined.
In the trubulent flow regime, the dispersion coefficient was found to be strongly affected by gas and liquid velocity, however, in the case of bubbly flow regime, the coefficient was not much affected by fluid velocities.


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