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원환(Annular)형 유동층내에서의 황철광으로부터 황 및 산화철 회수

Recovery of Elemental Sulfur and Iron Oxide from Pyrite in Annular Fluidized Beds

HWAHAK KONGHAK, February 1982, 20(1), 61-69(9), NONE
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Pyrite의 산화반응에서 발생하는 열을 pyrite와 SO2의 흡열반응에 직접 사용하기 위하여 Annular형태의 유동층 반응기내에서 황화철로부터 황과 산화철을 회수하였다. Pyrite입자의 크기, 반응온도, 반응시간 및 유동화 속도가 황의 회수에 미치는 영향을 조사하였으며 유동층 반응기내에서의 반응 mechanism을 설명하기 위해 Shrinking Core Model과 Yagi-Kunii을 적용하였다.
본 실험에서의 최적반응 조건은 :
유동화 공탑속도 : 5.1 cm/sec (60 % excess air)
반 응 온 도 : 내부 유동층 - 880 ℃
외부 유동층 - 900 ℃
반 응 시 간 : 60 min/batch
입 자 크 기 : 0.105 mm
위의 조건에서 원소황의 회수율은 62 %정도, 발열량의 회수율은 70 % 정도되었으며, 회수되는 산화철의 황함량은 4∼8 % 정도였다.
To recover both elemental sulfur and iron oxide from pyrite(FeS2), an annular fluidized bed was employed in order to utilize the generated heat from the exothermic reaction of pyrite oxidation to the endothermic reaction of pyrite with SO2 gas.
Effects of particle size, reaction temperature, reaction time and superficial gas velocity on the reaction conversion were determined.
Shirinking core and Yagi-Kunii models were applied to the present reaction systems in order to explain the reaction mechanisms in the fluidized bed reactors.
The optimum operating conditions for the present reaction systems have been found to be as follows :
superficial gas velocity : 5.1 cm/sec (60 % excess air)
temperature : Inner reactor - 880 ℃
: Outer reactor - 900 ℃
reaction time : 60 minutes/batch
particle size : 0.105 mm
The recovery rates of sulfur and energy from exothermic reaction were 62 % and 70 %, respectively. The sulfur content in iron oxide after reactions was about 4-8 %.


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